Monday, March 10, 2014

Revisit of "Humility: If Our Heart is Right" post

Daily Insights from my Life #19

So back in 2012, I did a daily insight post about Humility and what Bruce C. Hafen says about it in his book entitled "The Broken Heart: Applying the Atonement to Life's Experiences". Tonight, I was looking for something to teach for the lesson of our Family Home Evening (this something that we are asked to do by our latter-day prophet every Monday night as a family) tonight. I thought of this post: Humility: If Our Heart is Right. (You can click on this link or you can also find the post under the Daily Insights tab at the top of my blog under the year 2012)

Bruce C. Hafen says, "If our heart is right, we will be free from the excesses and risks of being either too demanding or not demanding enough with ourselves. The greater our willingness to be humble about our errors and inadequacies, the less we will be likely to repeat them and the more we will learn from our experience."

We talked about as a family of how we gain more strength from humbling ourselves before Heavenly Father. Through humbling ourselves and recognizing our weaknesses and shortcomings, strength will be given to us in order to strengthen those weaknesses. That strength can help us become better if we let it.

In the Book of Mormon, Alma teaches us in Alma 7:11-12 that Christ during the Atonement will "go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind;...he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his peope...and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities."

In summary of what Alma taught, Christ suffered during the Atonement not only all the sins of the people on this world but also the sicknesses, weaknesses, shortcomings, trials, tribulations, afflictions, temptations, and sadnesses.

So with that knowledge, I can testify to y'all that I know that if we humble ourselves before him as Brother Hafen counsels and rely upon His atonement, we gain strength to bear what we are bearing. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ loves us eternally with a love that will never end. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Here is an talk you can read (The Atonement Covers All Pain).

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