Sunday, December 21, 2014

#SharetheGift 12/21/2014

This a neat video that gives a beautiful rendition of the song "The First Noel" with scenes of a wintry, snowy city with acts of kindness and a neat nativity scene in a home with two little kids.

This time of year is a special time where we can solely focus on the gift of giving and Christ's birth. On that special night of His birth, God gave the best gift of all. He sent His beloved son down to this Earth in order to bless us immensely. Even today we still feel His influence as we hear of his miracles and gifts of faith to others. My challenge to y'all is to serve God through following Christ's example. I know that is one of the reasons why God sent him that we may have an amazing example to follow. If we do as Christ did in giving to others, we will find more joy in this world. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

I would like to say that these videos I'm posting are only a few minutes long per each video, so they won't take long to watch and definitely worth your time.

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