"Hocus Pocus"...one of the most well-known Halloween films... is a spooky film that all would love. Centered around a historic Salem story, a teenage boy, Max, his hopeful girlfriend, Allison, and his little sister, Dani, find out that lighting just one candle will bring three powerful witches back from a long sleep. Those three witches, Winifred, Sarah, and Mary, have plans to finish what they started three centuries ago, and the teenage boy has to figure out how to stop them before it's too late.
I personally love this story. It was originally aired on Disney Channel back in 1993, and I have seen it many times since. It is one that I wouldn't say no to watching ever year around Halloween time. I love the portrayal of many things. There is great chemistry between the Max and Allison, and I love watching the relationship between Max and his sister, Dani. Max at first didn't like hanging out with his sister, but as the film progressed they grew closer as Max protected her from the three witches. I also really enjoyed the background of the town of Salem, Massachusetts, and the house of the three witches. In summary, I love the plot, backdrop sets, and character development. That's why it's been a classic. Plus, this film is not very scary/jumpy like most horror films nowadays, so I would definitely let my children who are 10 years or older watch it.
There is no crude language except for one instance when the little sister mentions Allison's breasts as "yabos". There is a little bit of low cut dresses on one of the witches and one or two costumes at an adult Halloween dance that are a bit immodest. But for me those things do not have a negative impact on the film. As I said before I would feel comfortable letting my children who are 10 or older to watch it. There isn't any blood shown. It is a family-friendly film. It might be a little creepy for some kids though so parents, be a judge of that.
Overall, I give this a 5 Star rating!
If you want to see imdb.com's parental advisory thing, you can click on the film title above and there will be a link there to take you there.
The summary on IMDB.com is:
After three centuries, three witch sisters are resurrected in Salem Massachusetts on Halloween night, and it is up to two teen-agers, a young girl, and an immortal cat to put an end to the witches' reign of terror once and for all.
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