"The Giver" is a film based on a novel by the same name written by Lois Lowry. It is about a community where everything seems perfect...pain, choices, suffering, and romantic love doesn't exist. A teenage boy is selected to learn about all the pain, pleasure, and experiences from a life in the past that an elderly man named the Giver has stored in his head. When that selection is made, the boy's life will change forever.
There is a lot of stuff I loved about this movie. I read the novel back in high school. The journey that the teenage boy, Jonas goes through a journey that is thought-provoking and moving. The acting was very good. I wasn't so sure about the Jeff Bridges as the Giver at first, but as the movie went on, I knew he was the right actor for the role. The acting that I thought was the best was Brenton Thwaites. His portrayal of Jonas and emotions were really good. The futuristic look of the community was good.
The only thing I think they could've done better on was having some more experiences shown that Jonas receives from the Giver. Otherwise it was a really well-done film. It was rated PG-13 due to some of the experiences and some action/violence. There is just a bit of kissing, no foul language and the violence deals with some but not much blood.
Overall I would give this film a 4.5 Star Rating. I would recommend it to all adults and teenagers.